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1) current

Lets start with the formula for current first,
The formula is given below!

NOTE:In order to run this command you will have to call the function, i.e just write `def current()` in a new line and execute it. In this calculator, we enter the values of the given variables first, and we enter `00` for the value which we have to find, i.e entering `00` for the missing value in the question.

The output is :-

2)Potential Difference(V)

Lets move onto the formula of

Potential Difference(V)



                                                                               The Output is:-

3)Ohm's Law

Let's move on to Ohm's Law,
The most important one in the chapter!



                                The output is:-


The output is:-

A unified

Want to make a unified calculator of all those formulas in one? Well that was my original Idea, but decided to break it down, so now will come to the unified calculator which will call the different function when called using input from user.


I  think this is all self explanatory, you basically input 1,2,3 or 4, based on what formula you wanna use. I skipped the heat generated formula here because its not that important, if you still wish to use that do visit my old site here.

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